Sunday, March 11, 2012

#205 Sherine

Sherine of the wonderful smile and great demeanor (not to mention style) writes:

"My name is Sherine. I'm 42 yrs old. I'm retired from NYC Dept of Corrections. I live in Glen Cove, Long Island"

Saturday, March 10, 2012

#204 Nine and Romeo

Nine is training her dog in the same class with me and my dog. And incredible class (Circus Dog Training), cute and hilarious dogs, and a butch sighting to boot.

You can now find @butchsightings on Instagram too.

#203 Pam Colby, Director at Fertile Ashes Fundraiser

Pasha, a Minneapolis femme, teacher, and wonder woman extraordinnaire, writes:

"This is Pam Colby, the Director and Producer of the movie Fertile Ashes. She had a fundraiser for the movie tonight, and fundraisers for this movie are where I always am sure to see a lot of butches. The movie's about a gay bar in the earl 70's, and has butch/femme characters played by butch/femmer actors. Pam is also my ex, and the other parent of my two sons."

#202 Cheryl, Dapper Butch at Fertile Ashes Fundraiser

Pasha, a femme with a great eye, writes:

"This is Cheryl, one of the most dapper butches I know. She knows how to wear the butch accessories! She's also a great dancer."

#201 Seven at Fertile Ashes Fundraiser

From femme butch sighter Pasha, in Minneapolis:

"This is Denise 'Seven' Bailey, who I have sighted before. Seven is so damn handsome, had to be sighted again."

#200 D at Fertile Ashes Fundraiser

From Pasha, Minneapolis femme:

"This is D. D lives in my neighborhood and is just a wonderful butch. Helping neighborhood businesses, supporting events, and just being a steady butch around town. And so good lookin!"

#199 Robin at Fertile Ashes Fundraiser

From Minneapolis Butch Sighter Pasha:

"This is Robin. I asked Robin if she identifies as butch and she said, "I'm more butch than femme, that's for sure." Then Robin's girlfriend heard about butch sightings and got VERY excited. After seeing that reaction, I advised Robin to go ahead and get her picture taken."